Incubation and implementation of projects
Support of innovative projects in bio, med, agricultural and defense areas on all stages of implementation – from the idea to the sale of finished products
All projectsSupport of innovative projects in bio, med, agricultural and defense areas on all stages of implementation – from the idea to the sale of finished products
All projectsConducting technical, financial and marketing analysis of projects
All projectsAttracting investments ideas on buying bitcoin stocks, financing researches and product designs, organizing serial production
All projectsArrangement of products sales on domestic and external markets
All projectsPD-1 VTOL Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial System is ready to fly modular solution that can be easily customized in the field according to any mission.
The features of tactical unmanned aerial system "Anser" are the speed of deployment, reliability and resistance to mechanical and thermal effects. Designed for tactical reconnaissance for a flight duration of up to 12 hours.
Helmet-Mounted Circular Review System for Armoured Vehicles. The crew gets an opportunity to inspect the surrounding area, while being within the heavy equipment, which increases and accelerates maneuverability and accuracy of control.
Reducing of the time required for area scanning to detect mines. Reducing of the expenses spent to purchase and maintain mine detection equipment.
Detection of metals, plastic, ceramic or composite materials that are usually used for weapon production on human body and also containers for explosive compounds. The scanner is harmless for human health. It is designed on the principle of receiving human radiation at the frequency range of scanner operation.
The mobile sonar station designed to detect and identificate underwater subversive teams and capable to operate in both active and passive modes. The project solves the problem of detection and identifying submarine sabotage forces, is able to determine the range of marine objects and build their routes and operate in both closed water and open water areas.
Allows to liquidate enemy targets at a distance of 0.2-10 km. This universal system is simultaneously a grenade launcher, mortar, howitzer and is designed for installation on various wheeled and tracked chassis including specially developed chassis.
The aim of the project is organization of production of ultra-sensitive cooled medium-wave infrared (MWIR) sensors and thermal cameras TVC TS-1 MWIR on their basis.
Volunteers can not solve all the problems of the army. We have to reach the level where the State provides full supply to the army. A volunteer, in my view, should concentrate on helping with the development of the defense sector and attraction of investments.
Open Platform, built on the principles of balanced participation of complementary players by combining information, intellectual, technological and investment potential of participants, is one of the most effective forms of implementing high-tech projects.
Ukraine needs an effective mechanism in creating innovations that finds people in their own country and create an environment where these people can realize their ideas, offer, crystallize and translate them into specific products, which are required either by the whole state or by particular armed forces.
Quickly, safely and confidently supporting the wave of cutting edge Ukrainian developments, the Platform creates new opportunities for the state and private investors, professionals and inventors.